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Saturday, July 3, 2010

How to chat on Facebook invisibly

In the age of social networks, making friends is pretty fast and easy. Although the idea of ever-increasing number of friends on social networks has been questioned. According to Robin Dunbar, a British Anthropologist, the human brain can't keep a track of huge friend lists (a commonality in today's era of social networking). As a matter of fact, our brain can manage to befriend mere 150 persons, no matter how sociable one happens to be. Due to such a nature of human brain, you must have felt a need for having some control over "whom you are comfortable being a friend with".

"Privacy is not something that I'm merely entitled to, it's an absolute prerequisite."

If  you can identify yourself with this, you are, probably, looking for an "invisible chat option on Facebook."'

Today we bring you a guide on " How to chat on Facebook invisibly".

So here's what you have to do in order to be able to chat invisibly:
  • Login to your Facebook account and click on the "Chat" button in the bottom right hand corner.
  • Click on "Friend Lists" button in the box that pops up.
  • There you will see a box called "Create a new list". You may give it a name like "invisible mode" or anything that you like.
  • Now you can drag and drop the names of your friends from the original list of friends to the box above.
  • You will notice that there is a button next to the friend lists which can be turned on and off.
  • And, whoa! You can now decide whom you want to chat with and whom you want to stay hidden.
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